
A conversation with Jessica Brunecky, CU Art Museum

Note: This post was part of a series of interviews that Cliff Stevens did while at Culture Spots. We're republishing these videos with some updated STQRY branding as they provide some great insights and it would be a shame to lose these stories. 

Welcome back!

So, would a cup of coffee, in a stimulating environment, help you get through the rest of your day?

Yeah, sure, right?  But what’s that got to do with anything?

Well, if you know me, you’ll know that I love drinking good craft coffee AND discovering cozy cafes in which to enjoy it.  That’s partly why I got so excited about our visit with Jessica Brunecky – Director of Marketing and Membership at the CU-Boulder Art Museum – who told us all about a creative collaboration they did with the university’s Museum of Natural History, AND an amazing “Bio Lounge” there where students can hunker down amongst stimulating museum exhibitions while sipping…yeeeees…coffee! It’s really quite cool, and something I can imagine catching on with pioneering academic museums and galleries elsewhere.

This is just skimming the surface of what we’ve got cooked up for you in this week’s latest installment of the ‘Academic Museums Spotlight Tour 2015‘ we’re doing in partnership with AAMG ( – the Association of Academic Museums and Galleries.

Dig into it by clicking on the video below!

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