
Behind the Scenes of the Michener Art Museum - Part 1 of 2

Note: This post was part of a series of interviews that Cliff Stevens did while at Culture Spots. We're republishing these videos with some updated STQRY branding as they provide some great insights and it would be a shame to lose these stories. 

There’s a trend here at CultureSpots.  Each time we hit the road to visit a client, our minds get blown.  This time, at the Michener Art Museum, it was no different.

As you’ll witness in this Client Spotlight Interview with Adrienne Romano, Director of Interpretation and Innovation, and Ruth Anderson, Director of Youth and Family Programs at the Michener Art Museum in Doylestown, PA, they masterfully turned their mobile audio tour production project into a learning opportunity for kids.

And this video is only the half of it — because during this visit, we actually got to sit down and interview the kids too!  But, you’ll have to wait for that.  (we’ll share that with you in one of our next two upcoming blog post, email blasts)  Until then….

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