
Marketing Your Experience

Once your mobile app is launched, you just need to make sure people know about it. Marketing and strategic promotion are key. Here are some tips to help you successfully increase awareness and encourage usage.

Media & PR

Write a press release announcing your app and publish it via PR distribution websites. You can also submit it directly to your local newspapers, news channels, and other bloggers and media outlets who have covered your organization in the past. Let them know about your new content, invite them to take the tour, and encourage them to interview both visitors who are using it and the staff that has been working on it.

Hold a Launch Event

Invite narrators, board members, media, sponsors, and partners. Have the director of your organization speak about what inspired the project and how it was developed. You can play audio or video samples from the app/tours and have narrators and other contributors share their experience in creating it. If you don’t have the funds to hold a launch event, try to tie the tour launch into another event already scheduled.

Promote on Travel Websites

Encourage visitors to stop by your site while on their travels. Submit press releases and/or articles to travel websites or sites that include ”things to do” in your area.

Display Signs

Post clear, visible signs or labels at each point of interest or at your site entrance. Be sure the signs include information on how to access your content, which can include the the mobile web URL, a QR Code, or an icon to download the iPhone or Android app.

On-site Promotion

Catch your visitor’s attention as soon as they are onsite–promote the tour with signage in the lobby area. Place a counter top sign at the visitor booth or front desk and be sure that your staff is knowledgeable about the tour. If your site has multiple entrances, handout brochures at each point of entry. All tour marketing signage should have information on how to download and access the tour/app. Include QR codes to scan or the mobile web URL. You can even distribute business cards with the tour access information, banner or order T-shirts for staff and volunteers with ”Ask about our app/tour” or QR code on the back.

Website Promotion

Most visitors access your website looking for the latest information about exhibits, events, programs, or general visitor information. This is a great time to promote your tour, as they are already in the planning stages of their visit. You can even have an entire page on the website dedicated to your app and updates.

Utilize Your Online Network

Use your social networks to promote your tour to an audience that has already shown an interest in learning more about your organization–be sure to link directly to the tour. If you have a blog, write a post on the tour that has an alternative spin from a typical press release. Make an announcement in your digital newsletter or create a dedicated email campaign. Partner organizations, such  as regional associations, sponsors, and your industry’s listservs should be notified as well to spread the word.

Engage Your Staff Members

Enlist your front end and floor staff as they are constantly interacting with your visitors and are a valuable way to encourage usage. Be sure they are knowledgeable about the app and can explain how to use it. An email blast to your entire staff to experience the tour will not only keep them informed, but can also encourage them to tap into their own social media channels.

Update Your Tour Regularly

STQRY tours/apps are customizable and allow for unlimited content and updates–you can change or add content anytime. Keeping your tour content fresh will keep previous users interested and pique the interest of new ones. Adding new content to your tour will also provide multiple opportunities to continue with its social media promotion.

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